Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Life As A Home Business Mompreneur

Life as a home business mom can be very tiring and interesting. I have really experienced a lot, the good, the bad, the ups and downs of been a mompreneur. What with taking care of the home front, managing my home business which includes staying up all night to write an information product that will be published very soon on the internet, setting up blogs upon blogs for demanding clients, writing articles to post on my blogs,selling ebooks online and offline, getting free U.S Mastercards for clients, doing part-time affiliate marketing for construction companies, working fromhome as a marketing executive for a microfinance bank and being on the look out for new, sizzling,hot information to turn into the next best seller for me and a solution for my ready-to-buy clients who trust myjugdement on the efficacy of the product.

It has not been that easy to cope with the stress, but I love every minute of it, its what keeps me alive, puts food on ,my table,pays my bills, high-speed internet connection and more. If you really love doing something, no matter how stressful, poorly paid or highly paid it is, you neverstop doing it, because its what keeps you going until you get celebrated someday.
So my advise to all moms out there, keep pushing, keeping doing what you love, you will surely be remembered by your grandchildren, the world,by posterity for giving hope and value to other pepole's lives some day, not forgetting the menfolk aswell, keep on moving.

To your success!

Caroline Oguama.

visit my blog: www.quickhomebizideas.blogspot.com


mom to a pretty girl said...

i hope to be like you soon. it's sounding strenous but i do love to spend time on the net.right now, i'm jus trying to find my feet i the money making ways of the internet.dont know if it's a good startin point but i think i'll be able to move on from there. meanwhile i'm trying to fulfil all righteousness by completing my youth corp. pls wish me all the best. tips will be so welcomed.thanks

Anonymous said...

this is a cool blog with great content. I'd like more of this caroline. Well done